Electronic Signature

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Certification Authority CA Disig

As of July 2016, a trust service provider pursuant to the eIDAS Regulation

Certification authority CA Disig operated by the company Disig, a.s. (the „Disig“) pursuant to the Act No. 2015/2002 Coll. on electronic signature, as amended, provides complex certification services related to issuance and administration of certificates, which are used for:
a) creation of an electronic signature by a natural person or creation of an electronic seal by a legal person (based on a certificate of a natural person or a certificate of a legal person)
b) authorizing and securing electronic communications via an email client (email certificate)
c) secure and trustworthy communication with a server (TSL/SSL certificate)
d) client authentication for communication with a web-server (client certificate)
e) client login to the Active Directory Domain (MS logon certificate)

All root certificates of the certification authority CA Disig are included in the lists of trusted root certification authorities which are incorporated directly in web browsers and other products of Microsoft, Mozilla Foundation, Apple and Google.

The abovementioned services of certification authority CA Disig are complementing other products of the company Disig, which are mainly intended to secure electronic documents by an electronic signature.

Basic characteristic

  • registered by the Slovak NSA on the 1st April 2006
  • member of the CA/B forum
  • regular participation on ETSI plugtests
  • its certificates are mainly intended to make communication more secure by using software or hardware which enables use of certificates compliant with X.509 v3 specification
  • wide portfolio of services
  • strong team of experienced professionals responsible for operation of the certification authority
  • subject to regular annual conformity assessment of its certification services by the external team of auditors

certificate issued to a natural person

certificate for a natural person – an employee

used for creation and validation of electronic signature

intended for authorization and securing electronic communications transmitted via email clients

intended to authenticate a client communicating with a server

1 year certificate validity

min. 2048-bit cryptographic key

signature algorithm sha256RSA

certificate issued to a legal person

intended to ensure origin and integrity of electronic documents created by a legal person

1-3 years certificate validity

min. 2048-bit cryptographic key

signature algorithm sha256RSA

certificate issued for a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to a reliably verified domain holder

1 year certificate validity

possibility to issue a certificate containing multiple domain names, the so-called multi-domain TSL/SSL certificate, with 1 year validity

possibility to issue a Wildcard TLS/SSL certificate for a FQDN with a wildcard character (*) on the third (*.example.com) or higher level (*.example1.example.com) with 1 or 3 years validity

intended for secure and trustworthy communication with a server
signature algorithm sha256RSA

CA Disig provide its services directly at the place of its registered seat or via:
mobile registration authority (certificate issuance at the place agreed upon with a customer)
client registration authority (RA established at the place agreed upon with a customer for its own purposes)
public registration authorities (RA available to general public)

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