
We have a clear vision for our future

ZEP.DISIG.SK in 2016

13. February 2017


In December 2013, we launched the portal zep.disig.sk, intended for wider public. The web aims to provide the citizens, entrepreneurs and bodies of the public administrative with a simple tool for a comfortable work with signed documents.

Zep.disig.sk offers a range of selected electronic services for free, online, nonstop, without any complicated settings, without a necessity to register – and most of all – the services are available for everyone. Thus, the users can validate signed electronic documents, or sign electronic documents using the qualified electronic signature, together with the qualified electronic time stamp. Presented solutions demonstrate technological possibilities of our product Disig QES Portal that integrates certified applications Disig QES Signer and Disig Web Signer.

In 2016, the portal underwent several changes. For our users, we had prepared a new responsive design; we had optimised the portal content and implemented the requirements of the eIDAS Regulation, valid in the whole EU since 01.07.2016.

ZEP.DISIG.SK has thus become a tool supporting the creation and validation of European signatures. However, it also leaves a possibility to work with older versions of Slovak signatures, thus ensuring a backwards compatibility.


ZEP.DISIG.SK in numbers

The year 2016 turned out to be particularly successful in respect to the number of portal visits and use of available services as such. Every year, we have recorded at least 100% increase of all indicators.

In 2016, 22 867 electronic documents were validated and 137 392 electronic documents were signed. It is worth mentioning that the number of users exceeded the cap of 35 000.


In 2016, we were awarded at the ITAPA 2016 international congress. The zep.disig.sk was nominated for a special Radio Slovakia Awards by the ITAPA organisation team together with RTVS within the prestigious ITAPA Award 2016. We have received a special recognition award within the main category of ITAPA Awards 2016 for our effort in simplifying the use of electronic signature. This award has motivated us to a further development and improvement of the portal.


Thanks to an anonymous questionnaire, we have been provided with valuable references by the portal users. The portal functionality has received positive feedback in numerous discussions on professional portals. The users highlight the multi-platform character, simplicity of use and service for free in particular. The portal has been recommended on following portals www.slovensko.sk, www.notar.sk, platforma.slovensko.digital, as well as by commercial subjects systems as for instance by www.slovanet.sk.